simplified accountability.
focused improvement.
Our mission is to simplify accountability
and focus leaders on the right work.
The D2i Data Package
This all-in-one package includes our innovative D2i Data Platform, D2i Data Paths, and D2i Conversation Guides. The Data Package assists educators in understanding Louisiana school accountability data and its connection to everyday practice. View, filter, print, and share data reports with your team for valuable insight of your system's effectiveness. The platform also allows for immediate communication alongside the data for powerful, data-driven school improvement conversations.
D2i Student Growth to Mastery Workshops
Complete the D2i process of deliberately addressing student growth to mastery in our collaborative workshops. School leaders will be able to identify specific data to track and understand the importance of why to track it. Setting goals at the district, school, and teacher-level will become data-appropriate, and leaders will be able to easily monitor and support their efforts. Participants will leave with a system for planning professional development and PLCs throughout the year. Teams will be allowed to focus on the right work for student growth according to the framework of Louisiana School Accountability.
Who We Serve
District Accountability Leaders
School Administrators
District Curriculum & School Supervisors
School Curriculum & Instruction Leaders
Teacher Leaders
Understanding Your Performance Score
Data to Information gives school leaders the tools to analyze and respond to their school performance scores.
Why Top-Performing School Leaders
Choose D2i
40+ years of experience with
the Louisiana curriculum
With decades of experience in the Louisiana school system, our team has a deep understanding of Louisiana accountability and its connection to the work of all educators. Our approach is specifically designed to bridge the gap between Louisiana school accountability and school improvement.
Other Companies
All of your data in one user-friendly platform
Organized data patterns to understand your score
Minimize data overload by providing only relevant, actionable data
Identify successful and struggling student groups through dynamic filtering
Dashboards structured for Louisiana School Accountability
Specific systems to address student growth to mastery
Platform Comparison
Reveal funding options with your Title I, Title II, and more.