The D2i Data Package
Simplified Accountability
Getting Started:
A New Path Forward
The D2i Data Package is the foundation for future success. It includes D2i Data Paths, the D2i Data Platform, and D2i Conversation Guides to take your school’s performance score from disconnected, abstract data to a focused improvement plan for student growth. See your specific data, filter, download, and share reports according to those you support, and communicate alongside the data immediately, right inside the platform!
Contact us for a virtual tour of our Data Platform in Assessment Index, Progress Index, or ACT!
Trackable Data:
LEAP Assessment Index Grades 3-8
(3-Year Trend)
English Language Arts (ELA), Math, Science, Social Studies
*Teacher Data is also available for all of the above. This also allows viewers to compare students' final grades to LEAP scores.
LEAP Assessment Index HS
(3-Year Trend)
Algebra I, Geometry, English I, English II, Biology, US History
*Teacher Data is also available for all of the above. This also allows viewers to compare students' final grades to LEAP scores.
ACT Assessment Index
(3-Year Trend)
English, Math, Science, Reading
Progress Index Grades 3-8
ELA, Math
*Teacher Data is also available for all of the above.
Progress Index HS
ELA, Math
*Teacher Data is also available for all of the above.
Data Organization on Us
With D2i, simply send us your performance data and we take care of the rest. You’ll then receive your customized Data Platform ready for your use. No data input is necessary.

Welcome to the D2i Data Platform
Where Your Data Story Begins
The D2i Data Platform is organized deliberately according to the framework of Louisiana school accountability. Unique data bundles piece together the story of student and teacher performance. This organization offers a detailed understanding of the effectiveness of your school system. Viewers can easily click through district, school, and teacher level data while filtering by student demographics, grade level, subject, and other important-to-track markers. Leaders can download, print, and share data reports specific to those demographics for effective school improvement and support plans. The Data Platform also allows comments with email alerts between school leaders within the dashboards. Specific strengths or struggles can be highlighted immediately and can become the focus of future actionable conversations.
D2i Data Paths
Connecting the Dots
D2i has created a unique set of visual guides and graphics that will help define and clarify the components of accountability and their connection to your everyday practice. Each academic area follows the path from SPS to the Louisiana Department of Education student standards. Other components of accountability will clarify accountability scoring formulas. Data Path posters are available for purchase with or without the Data Package.
To Purchase D2i Data Path Posters, email INFO@MYD2i.NET with "Poster Order" in the subject line. An order form and instructions will be emailed to you.

D2i Conversation Guides
Creating Your Own Path
These guides act as a catalyst for powerful data conversations. District leaders, school principals, department heads, and teachers answer specific questions directly from the D2i Data Platform to organize and communicate their unique data stories. Our guides offer recommended talking points to align your thoughts and organize actionable conversations.
A New Path Forward
The D2i Data Package is the foundation for future success. It includes D2i Data Paths, the D2i Data Platform, and D2i Conversation Guides to take your school’s performance score from disconnected, abstract data to a focused improvement plan for student growth. See your specific data, filter, download, and share reports according to those you support, and communicate alongside the data immediately, right inside the platform!
Contact us for a virtual tour of our Data Platform in Assessment Index, Progress Index, or ACT!
Data Organization on Us
With D2i, simply send us your performance data and we take care of the rest. You’ll then receive your customiz Data Platform ready for your use. No data input is necessary.