We're here to help. Data to Information guides schools from all across Louisiana to get access to the funding they need.
TITLE I Funding
D2i’s Data Package allows educators to easily access and analyze accountability data while connecting that data to the Louisiana Student Standards. D2i Workshops build the capacity of educators to implement those standards through their chosen high-quality, Tier 1 Curricula and support student achievement for all through meaningful systems and structures. D2i Conversation Guides also allow educators to communicate district and school progress with all stakeholders.
TITLE II Funding
D2i’s Data Package allows educational leaders to easily access and analyze school accountability data while connecting that data to the Louisiana Student Standards. This is a powerful leadership tool to guide data-driven school improvement. D2i Workshops offer professional development to build the capacity of educators to implement the Louisiana Student Standards through their chosen high-quality, Tier 1 Curricula. Educational leaders also work through the process of developing meaningful systems and structures to support student achievement for all.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
D2i’s Data Package allows educational leaders to easily access and analyze accountability data holistically as well as by ESSA subgroups, including special education classification. With access to this data, educators will see the connections between LEAP Connect and the Louisiana Student Standards. This is a powerful leadership tool that guides data-driven school improvement. D2i Workshops are professional development that build the capacity of educators to implement Louisiana Student Standards through their chosen high-quality, Tier 1 Curricula. While participating in these workshops, participants connect to relevant LDOE resources and work through the process of developing meaningful systems and structures to support student achievement for all.
Educational Excellence Fund (EEF)
D2i’s Data Package allows educators to easily access and analyze accountability data while connecting that data to the Louisiana Student Standards. D2i Workshops build the capacity of educators to implement those standards through their chosen high-quality, Tier 1 Curricula and support student achievement for all through meaningful systems and structures.